Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes

Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes

Michel Legrand Foot- and Cycle Bridge
Cherbourg-Octeville | 
France – 


Ports Normands Associés

Start of construction

08 | 2015


127 m

Construction budget

3.3 M€

Competition winner



10 | 2016
The port is strengthening its central role by improving the link between the two quays. The promenade, rich in a variety of atmospheres, links the historic heritage with new urban features. Like a floating platform, the footbridge offers an unobstructed view. Its horizontal, pure design accentuates its public character and sets it apart from the surrounding buildings.

The 130-metre footbridge is designed for pedestrians, cyclists and light vehicles, with a 24-metre mobile section for boats. Its layout encourages pedestrian traffic and provides a space to relax with a series of benches. A strict separation between the cycle and pedestrian pathways ensures safety and comfort.

Three sections compose the footbridge: two fixed and one mobile. Its mainly steel construction is designed to withstand marine conditions and guarantee longevity and robustness. The opening mechanism is efficient, resembling a chain functioning on a bicycle.

The design aims for excellence in terms of sustainability, through the use of long-life materials. The building components require little maintenance and the lighting system, based on LEDs, is energy-efficient. Rainwater management and lighting are designed to minimize ecological impact.

Lead Architect: Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes
Engineers: Terrell SAS

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